Letter from the Founder and Board Chair
It all started with an idea – a vision of what this emerging internet technology might achieve on a practical scale for Canadian patients, front line care providers and health systems. A young Alberta doctor, Chris Eagle envisioned how technology could replace pen, paper and FACS machines to support patients smoothly flowing from hospital into the right care, in the right place, at the right time. Evolving that concept to front line reality became the challenge that launched Strata Health 20 years ago.
Right from the start we needed a couple of key ingredients to succeed – action-oriented collaborative clients who shared our vision and smart motivated staff to make it a reality. June 1st, 2001 – Day 1 at Strata Health – saw front line clinicians from Calgary Health and Strata’s first team members sitting down together to begin transforming an exciting opportunity into the real and practical best practice for automated patient flow.
It wasn’t easy. Indeed,
no one used the internet for secure health applications in 2001. Many industry detractors said it couldn’t be done, some laughed and forecast our efforts would be ‘vaporware’. But through collaboration, perseverance and hanging onto a common vision with our customers – we made it real, and rapidly delivered the powerful case studies that underpin our Firm, even today.
This core commitment by Strata Health teams to customer partnering became the foundation of our approach to designing patient flow solutions and has guided Strata Health deployments across 3 continents and 5 countries – now including the United States through our recent acquisition of Silver Search and its 300 hospital clients.
As I have transitioned to Board Chair, I leave the day-to-day of Strata Health in young capable hands through dynamic leadership, and a deeply seated staff culture still intensely committed to client support and continual collaboration with clients towards better patient, clinician and system.
Back in 2001, some said it couldn’t be done – but as we celebrate our 20
th year beside our longtime customers,
I deeply thank our staff and customers who continue to show us the route to ongoing innovation, value creation and success.
Don G Shick
Strata Health Solutions