Welcome to Strata Health’s 2023 Year in Review – a comprehensive exploration of our journey through the dynamic landscapes of Canadian, UK, and US healthcare. As we dive into the accomplishments and moments that defined our year, we invite you to join us in celebrating the strides we’ve made with our customers in improving transitions of care, fostering innovation, and shaping the future of healthcare delivery.

Market Insights



Kevin Jones, Senior Vice President -Canada

Market Insights: Canada
As we head into 2024 and reflect on 2023, I find myself more excited about the Canadian health space than I’ve been since before the pandemic.
Health systems are increasingly focusing on transitions of care, with studies indicating that poor transitions cost our health system 5 – 9 million dollars per day. Our product enhancements now facilitate integration into primary care, patient self-referral, improved central intake functionality, and the initiation of efforts to enhance our reporting application. These strides position us as a continued leader in the transition of care space.
Over the past year, we’ve collaborated with our customers on exciting initiatives, including enabling transitional care beds in BC, expanding @home programs in Ontario, and incorporating new sites with Ontario Health Team partners. A special thanks to Interior Health, Alberta Health Services, and Nova Scotia Health Authority for their collaboration on our new reporting initiatives. Despite some challenges, the future looks promising. Our ongoing partnership with the Ontario Psychological Association has expanded referrers to primary care and increased referrals by 35% year over year. Data from 2022 and 2023 highlighted that seniors experienced the highest increase in referral volumes, with patients expressing concerns about psychologist wait times.
Looking ahead to 2024, data-informed decision-making becomes crucial with increasing pressures on the health system due to reduced budgets and staffing challenges. Technology must not only automate processes but also provide system-wide insights through reporting and analytics. Central Intakes will remain a focal point, ensuring transparency, equity, and operational optimization.
As we anticipate 2024, we look forward to continuing our collaboration with health systems to enhance efficiency in transitions of care.
Market Insights: UK
Concluding 2023, I’m immensely proud of our collective achievements, reflecting on the highlights that defined our year and set the stage for an exciting future.
The Health and Care Act 2022 paved the way for Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) to move onto a statutory footing, establishing Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) and Integrated Care Partnerships (ICPs)
In 2023, the HSCC report and the Hewitt Review shared key themes such as oversight, autonomy, and prevention, which the DHSC largely agreed upon. Collaborative efforts across stakeholders by ICBs became crucial for delivering enhanced productivity.
Our first ICS-wide deployment in Cornwall marked the beginning of a necessary and repeatable strategy, leveraging the strengths of the Strata PathWaysTM platform. The digital enablement of Transfer of Care (ToC) Hubs offers significant advancements in care coordination across the UK. These hubs play a vital role in managing the number of patients that no longer meet the criteria to reside in hospital, reducing hospital LOS, and eliminating delayed discharges.
Integration across system stakeholders remains a top priority for the NHS in the UK. Our development teams in England focused on key initiatives to alleviate pressures at the front door of ED and acute care hospitals. The NHS Booking and Referral Standard (BaRs) enables digital ED bookings and NHS 111 bookings to Urgent Care Centres (UCCs), reducing self-presenting patients at ED. This format also facilitates urgent community referrals (UCRs), further decreasing patient conveyance to ED and acute hospitals.
Finally, as our country’s operational teams continued to refine best practice for care of older persons, we configured Strata PathWays in new and innovative ways to support Discharge to Assess (D2A) and Trusted Assessor (TAD); further enhancing productivity of patient transitions and easing the significant strain on front-line care teams across the UK.
The experiences and achievements of 2023 inspire confidence in the promising path that lies ahead for Strata Health.

Clint Schick, Chief Executive – UK

Marmmett Horton, MSW, ACM, CMAC, Senior Vice President & General Manager – US

Market Insights: US
As we look back on the events and progress of 2023, I am proud to highlight the significant moments that have influenced our journey over the year, laying the foundation for an exciting future.
Guided by customer feedback sessions, our platform has seen significant enhancements, exemplified by the introduction of Smart on FHIR apps for Epic and Cerner users, showcasing our dedication to seamless integration. Shared Referral Folders have transformed collaboration among post-acute care providers, boosting efficiency and communication in patient care workflows and managing incoming referrals. The Bring Your Own Device feature empowers patients to engage conveniently from their personal devices, fostering autonomy. Strata Send customers experienced, on average, a 30% improvement in response times and a 28% improvement in the average time to acceptance, resulting in reduced avoidable delays in patient transitions.
Our active participation in 30+ conferences and events across the nation underscores our commitment to industry leadership. March brought a Panel Discussion on Overcoming Barriers in Transitions of Care, sparking meaningful conversations around innovative processes. In May, our first eBook, “CMS Conditions of Participation (CoP) for Discharge Planning,” and webinar with ACMA broke records with over 1,100 registrants. Our panel on “Leading Change to Drive Digital Transformation” at the Leadership and Physician Advisor Conference showcased our customer’s bold contributions to healthcare transformation.
Looking ahead, our excitement for 2024 grows. Deepening engagement with existing partners and forging new relationships promises continued growth and innovation. Make sure to follow Strata Health, US to see where we will be highlighting further innovative and novel approaches to patient care and flow!
Cheers to an incredible 2023 and the promise of an even more extraordinary 2024!
Thought Leadership
In the realm of thought leadership, our team made a global impact in 2023. With a presence at 40 conferences, seven speaking engagements, and six webinars, we provided a platform for insightful discussions, customer case studies, and thought leadership that resonated across international healthcare communities.
Speaking Engagements

As we bid farewell to an extraordinary 2023, we extend our gratitude for your support and engagement. Join us on this journey into 2024 as we continue to innovate, collaborate, and shape the future of healthcare. Subscribe to our newsletter today.
Thank you for being an important part of the Strata Health community!