Sydney, NSW, Australia – December 11, 2017 – Strata Health launched a pilot project in the Sydney Local Health District (SLHD) with their intelligent resource matching and eReferral software, Strata PRISM (PathWays). The project supports General Practitioner (GP) referrals being sent from Central and Eastern Sydney Primary Health Network (CESPHN) to specialist services supporting Haematology and Liver care streams.
The current referral process in SLHD involves manual forms with a patient’s clinical information being faxed from General Practitioners to Specialists, which is not a reliable or timely work flow, and leaves GPs in the dark as to patient outcome. By moving to electronic referrals, the health district is expecting patient safety and quality of care to improve dramatically as specific data required for a referral is mandated and referrals are sent and received in real-time through the secure PRISM platform, with referral updates returning electronically to physicians.
“Sydney LHD executives were looking to support local GPs in their effort to continually improve the quality, completeness, and timeliness of patient referrals into LHD specialist services,” comments Don Schick, Strata Health Founder and CEO, “and we are thrilled to provide Strata Health’s proven resource matching technology to deliver on this key quality and safety mandate.”
Working alongside key established clinical vendors such as HealthPathways and Medical Director, Strata Health has integrated PRISM to allow for seamless transitions between systems. General Practitioners are now sending electronic PRISM Referrals directly from within their routine workflows – a key time and quality improvement. GPs also see benefits in the information received after sending a referral, including the status of a patient’s referral, a patient’s appointment time, and being able to respond to requests for additional information from the receiving specialists.
The expansion to additional care streams is planned for 2018.
About Strata Health
Since 2001, Strata Health has been developing and delivering custom software for health and social services which has helped over 1.2 million patients worldwide get the care they need faster. The intelligent software creates transparency between traditionally segregated care settings, allowing clinical users to quickly match and refer patients to the best possible care option based on their specific needs.
The proprietary solutions are used by provincial and regional health authorities across Canada, the UK, Australia and France with such clients as Alberta Health Services, Toronto Central LHIN and NHS Cumbria seeing dramatic results in operational efficiencies and patient outcomes. Strata Health is a privately held company with a head office in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and satellite offices that support their international operations. For more information, visit stratahealth.com.
Download a copy of the press release here: Sydney Go-Live Press Release