Welcome to another edition of our Staff Spotlight series, where we shine a light on the exceptional team members at Strata Health. As October marks National Physical Therapy Month, there’s no better time to introduce you to Alexis Haws, PT, DPT, our in-house physical therapist, who serves as a Customer Success Manager for Strata Health US.
📍 Works from Denver, Colorado
🌎 Born in: Boulder, Colorado
▶ Favorite food: Fresh bread with butter (I like to bake my own)
▶ Hobbies: Tennis, Skiing, Rafting, Jigsaw Puzzles, Board Games, Live Music
▶ Currently binge-watching: Nothing at the moment. Binge listening to “Dear Alana.” A sad story about a girl who grew up in my town.
▶ Last song listened to: Forever Mine by Andra Day
▶ On the bucket list: More international travel and skiing (too many locations to list)
Q: What drew you to Strata Health?
A: Marmmett Horton. After 15 years practicing physical therapy, I was ready for a change. My sights were set on customer success, and I wanted to stay in healthcare. It was hard to leave the clinic. Marmmett had a similar journey, and I knew she would be a great mentor for the transition. Shortly after being hired, I realized I hit the jackpot, as our company culture fully aligns with my values and goals.
Q: How long have you been with the company?
A: A year and a half.
Q: What does your job entail?
A: The day is filled with managing technical issues, training end-users, meetings and working on best practices for our US team. However, I like to think of what I do as investigative work. I try to figure out where there is an opportunity for growth and with whom we can have those discussions. To do this, I must be clear on the client’s internal process and the challenges they encounter.
Q: What do you think sets you apart in your field?
A: Building mutual trust with clients. My specialty in physical therapy was persistent pain. Tissue injury is rarely the culprit for chronic pain. These patients are often shuffled around the medical system without explanations. By the time they came to me they were frustrated by lack of answers, scared for their future and understandably guarded. It takes time but gaining their trust was pivotal to making an impact. This is true for any client facing role.
Q: What challenges have you faced in your career?
A: Next steps. I have never been one to settle, always seeking more learning and growth opportunities. My challenge has always been which path to take.
Q: Tell us about a professional success story that you’re proud of.
A: Fortunately, there were many as a clinician so I would like to answer as a Strata Health CSM. Recently, a client of ours had some issues with posting Medicare mandated forms to the right patient visit. It occurred to me that others were encountering the same issue but unaware. It propagated resolution across our client base ensuring compliance standards are met.
Q: What is the best advice you’ve ever received?
A: “This too shall pass” – my Dad would say this when I was younger and in the moment it never helped. With time those difficult feelings always lessened, he was right.
Q: How would your best friend describe you in three words?
A: Social, thoughtful, and fun!
Q: Tell us a surprising or fun fact about you.
A: I used to gallop and jump fences on horses. A bit of a thrill seeker! I miss those days.
If you enjoyed getting to know Alexis today, we invite you to continue reading our Staff Spotlight series.