(19 June 2023) Strata Health UK is excited to unveil a new solution that aims to transform the way emergency department slot booking is handled in the NHS. With the national decommissioning of the Emergency Department Digital Integration (EDDI) product, we have been hard at work developing a replacement Solution that will seamlessly integrate referrals and appointment bookings from 111 telephone and online services into ED schedules and appointment books.
One vital aspect of our Solution is the integration of the new national Booking and Referral Service (BaRS) protocols and APIs. This integration allows for enhanced compatibility and interoperability, ensuring a smooth transition from the previous EDDI system to Strata PathWays.
Originally, the target date for the replacement was set for 1st April 2023. However, the NHS understood that several trusts were not fully prepared with alternative tools, necessitating an extension to the end of September 2023. This additional time provides trusts with an opportunity to explore our innovative software and seamlessly integrate it into their emergency department workflows.

East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust is at the forefront of innovation, implementing Strata PathWays BaRs v1.1 across all five hospital sites.
“Strata Health Global has formed an AI Curated Algorithm think tank to advance our deep logic algorithms for safe AI, maximizing productivity in the NHS,” stated Clint Schick, Chief Executive of Strata Health UK. “This effort aims to enhance EDDI deployments, improving care coordination and efficiency of NHS111 and onward patient care.”
We invite all NHS trusts seeking a comprehensive, efficient, and cost-effective EDDI replacement solution to get in touch with Strata Health UK today. Our team of experts is ready to provide detailed information about our software, answer any questions you may have, and assist you in seamlessly transitioning to our state-of-the-art platform for just a few thousand pounds a month.
To learn more about Strata Health UK’s EDDI replacement Solution and how it can optimise your emergency department’s operations, please contact us.