Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom – May, 2011: Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust has embarked on an initial phase to connect Providers of Health and Social Care across Buckinghamshire to one another via Strata PathWays™, thus enabling matching patient needs to available resource – in real-time.
The population served comprises some 515,000 citizens whose health and social care needs are commissioned by NHS Buckinghamshire and Buckinghamshire County Council.
The Buckinghamshire project is expected to:
- Aid front line staff in real time access and transition to community step down beds,
- Facilitate earlier / easier discharge to a lower cost, level of care for those admitted to hospital,
- Improve communication across the information silos of service providing organizations; and
- Optimize the utilization of resources across the health and social care community.
The key driver of this initiative is to aid frontline clinicians in the process of patient hand-offs. The system will be process driven by clinical best practice – a true operational aid to moving patients appropriately across available clinical resource.
The Buckinghamshire prototype will connect two acute care hospitals to the Community Hospital step-down, inpatient rehabilitation beds available in the region’s five community hospitals. In the mean time, other potential care streams are to be considered for expansion of the project.
About Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust:
Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust is a major provider of community and hospital services in South Central England, providing care to over half a million patients from Buckinghamshire and neighboring counties every year.
The trust is responsible for the majority of NHS care in the county, from community health services provided in people’s homes or from one of our many local bases, to acute hospital services at Stoke Mandeville, and Wycombe.
About Strata Health:
Strata Health leverages technology to achieve dramatic patient flow improvement within health systems. Our clients say they’ve entrusted us with the job of creating patient flow solutions that achieve real and dramatic benefits for patients, their families and the world’s devoted front line caregivers. Operational in Canada and the UK, Strata Health is a privately-held Canadian corporation. It is comprised of professionals with empathy for those who need care and intense respect for those who devote themselves to caring for others.
Strata PathWays™ is an online, real-time waitlist optimization system practically improving the patient experience and system access. Connected to care providers in the community, it provides front line clinicians with real-time tools to flow appropriate discharging patients to available bed and program openings. The e-Referral system radically reduces the time that patients occupy acute care beds after they have been assessed for discharge into alternative community programs – now including Mental Health & Addictions, Rehabilitation/Sub-Acute, Home Care, Continuing Care Centers, Assisted Living, Palliative, Physiotherapy, Community Support and Adult Day Programs.
For more Information please contact: Clint Schick on 07909863342 / clint@stratahealth.com or visit www.stratahealth.co.uk