Welcome back to another edition of our Staff Spotlight series, where we highlight the exceptional team members at Strata Health. Today, we’re excited to introduce you to Sylvain Roy, Director, Strategic Initiatives for Strata Health Canada.
📍 Works from Ontario
🌎 Born in: Ontario
▶ Favorite food: Sushi
▶ Hobbies: Hiking, Swimming, building stuff
▶ Currently binge-watching: Halo, Star Trek Discovery
▶ Last song listened to: Green Day, When September Ends
▶ On the bucket list: Touring Europe
Q: What drew you to Strata Health?
A: The promise to deliver on improving our mental health system
Q: How long have you been with the company?
A: 4 years
Q: What does your job entail?
A: Making connections between systems and people, improving access to care, advancing strategic projects
Q: What do you think sets you apart in your field?
A: I work at the intersection of things that need better integration (primary care, digital health, mental health care, developmental services, homelessness and supportive housing). This gives me a unique perspective on things.
Q: What challenges have you faced in your career?
A: Things are slow to change, evolve, work well
Q: Tell us about a professional success story that you’re proud of.
A: Getting askforhelptoday.ca to go live
Q: What is the best advice you’ve ever received?
A: Be persistent and take your time to get where you need to go
Q: How would your best friend describe you in three words?
A: Persistent, never quits.
Q: Tell us a surprising or fun fact about you.
A: I’m really great with my hands and love to build cool stuff.
If you enjoyed getting to know Sylvain today, continue reading our Staff Spotlight series to become better acquainted with our outstanding team.