Welcome back to another edition of our Staff Spotlight series, where we highlight the exceptional team members at Strata Health. Today, we’re excited to introduce you to Alek Puc, Account Executive for Strata Health US.
📍 Works from Pittsburgh PA
🌎 Born in: American Fork, Utah
▶ Favorite food: Sushi
▶ Hobbies: Hiking, and working out
▶ Currently binge-watching: Hunter x Hunter
▶ Last song listened to: Buried Alive by Chance the Rapper
▶ On the bucket list: Staying in an underwater hotel
Q: What drew you to Strata Health?
A: I loved the people that I saw working here, and how well they treated me from the start!
Q: How long have you been with the company?
A: 7 years!
Q: What does your job entail?
A: Helping assist post-acute care providers with managing and upgrading their accounts.
Q: What do you think sets you apart in your field?
A: I enjoy all the conversations I get to have with post-acute providers across the country. I have spent years now learning how they work and how we can best assist them!
Q: What challenges have you faced in your career?
A: One time while I was working at a gym years ago, I found myself in a situation where I had to single-handedly lift a man out of the hot tub to save him from drowning.
Q: Tell us about a professional success story that you’re proud of.
A: Helping one of the largest Home Health organizations in the country streamline all their accounts and maximize their content.
Q: What is the best advice you’ve ever received?
A: “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better” – Maya Angelou
Q: How would your best friend describe you in three words?
A: Can talk your ear off. And will do so.
Q: Tell us a surprising or fun fact about you.
A: I can rap the entirety of Ice Ice Baby by Vanilla Ice.
If you enjoyed getting to know Alek today, continue reading our Staff Spotlight series to become better acquainted with our outstanding team.