Winter pressures are coming. Does your health system have a plan for improving hospital flow and discharge?

As we approach the winter period, NHS Scotland is encouraging Acute Hospitals and Systems to prepare for unprecedented demand. Urgent and emergency attendances and admissions have quickly returned to historically high levels. This increase in demand, combined with limited capacity and staffing shortages, have created significant pressure on A&E and unscheduled services.

The Scottish Government’s NHS Recovery Plan sets out key ambitions and actions to be developed and delivered on over the next five years to address the backlog in care and meet ongoing health and care needs for people across Scotland. Delivering safe and effective urgent and unscheduled care is a key priority.

The Problem:

Planning for winter is complex, and preparedness requires a whole system approach to improve unscheduled care.

Case Management at work

The Solution:

Strata Health has created an assessment and discharge plan and dashboard that is easily shared across MDTs, ensuring optimal patient flow across Acute Care, and a collaborative approach to whole system planning.


Strata Health’s 10-Point Plan for Optimising Urgent & Unscheduled Care

Strata Health can support winter resilience across NHS Scotland’s health and care system. To learn how our proven digital system can help improve discharge and transitions of care for NHS Acute Hospitals and Systems, download our 10-Point Plan.

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