Strata Health UK Working on New Innovative Digital Solution in Response to Current Challenges.
The Strata Health UK team is working with our clients to enhance the national Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR) electronic pathway. A DNACPR order is the mechanism for deciding to withhold CPR before a cardiac arrest occurs. A new report from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) has found that worrying variation in people’s experiences of DNACPR decisions have increased as a result of the pressures placed on the healthcare system during the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the key factors contributing to this include difficulties around record-keeping and a lack of coordinated care efforts. While the pandemic may have exasperated existing challenges, processes to record resuscitation decisions have been inconsistent despite having been in place for almost 40 years, highlighting a significant gap in current approaches to making and applying DNACPR decisions. Strata Health UK’s new digital solution will electronically capture information required for the patient and pathway, contributing to a standardised model of care designed to address existing gaps. Launched from the users EPR/native system, via integration, the solution automatically gathers information available from the users existing databases and completes the forms (demographics, clinical information, consent, contacts). The user can then review, confirm and update any appropriate information. Once completed, the data can be saved and shared with all relevant stakeholders in the healthcare economy, resulting in improved communication and consistent patient flow. This system will also integrate with the Scottish eKIS, electronic Key Information Summary and Respect documentation, allowing the instructions to be shared with Care Homes, in addition to Accident and Emergency, Out of Hours Care and Hospices.

Example of standardised document
Looking ahead, Strata Health UK will continue to work directly with our clients to innovate solutions for better patient care and patient flow. Our team looks forward to rolling out the new technology in the coming months. About Strata Health UK With almost 20 years of experience in the health technology sector, Strata Health is the leading provider of intelligent, digital tools for resource allocation, patient transitions, and patient flow innovation across the care continuum. Strata Health supports healthcare clients on three continents, helping over 12 million patients worldwide get the care they need faster. Strata’s software solutions improve the healthcare experience for patients, clinicians, and health jurisdictions worldwide.