Calgary, Alberta: Strata Health, an international leader in the delivery of patient flow technology, has received approval for their submission to the UK National Health Service (NHS) Information Governance (IG) Statement of Compliance (SoC) for fiscal 2011 / 2012. Strata Health achieved an assessment of 98% compliance, which was possible due to its steadfast commitment as an organization to register and operate to ISO 27001 standards. This Statement of Compliance remains a key requirement for Strata Health to market its solutions in the UK and its submission to the NHS is an annual activity. This assessment provides evidence in the firms continued commitment to improvement, awareness and progression from both an information governance and security perspective.
“Our latest NHS IG SoC assessment reinforces that Strata Health has the appropriate policies and procedures in place to provide the required security for patient data. Our customers can be confident in their knowledge that Strata Health continues to deliver to the highest standard of information governance protecting all critically sensitive patient data.” commented Clint Schick, Managing Director, Strata Health (UK) Ltd.
“The 2011 Strata Health IG SoC submission was our first, and Strata Health exceeded the minimum requirements. However, this year Strata was able to leverage the work completed over the last year for ISO 27001 compliance, and this year’s IG SoC score of 98% is a better representation of Strata’s commitment to information governance and security. The goal for next year will be 100% compliance. ” said Darren Jones, COO, Strata Health Solutions Inc.
For more information:
Contact Clint Schick – Managing Director, Strata Health (UK) Ltd. +44 (0) 1322 30 30 36 clint@stratahealth.com
About Strata Health Ltd:
Strata Health leverages technology to achieve dramatic patient flow improvement within health systems. Our clients say they’ve entrusted us with the job of creating patient flow solutions that achieve real and dramatic benefits for patients, their families and the world’s devoted front line caregivers. Strata Health LTD is a UK based business and a wholly owned subsidiary of Strata Health Solutions, Inc. It is comprised of professionals with empathy for those who need care and intense respect for those who devote themselves to caring for others.
About the National Health Service Statement of Compliance:
The Information Governance Statement of Compliance (IG SoC) is the process by which organizations enter into an agreement with NHS CFH for access to the NHS National Network (N3). The process includes elements that set out terms and conditions for use of NHS CFH systems and services including the N3, in order to preserve the integrity of those systems and services.
The steps in the IG SoC process set out a range of security related requirements which must be satisfied in order for an organization to be able to provide assurances in respect of safeguarding the N3 network and information assets that may be accessed.