London, England: Strata Health, an international leader in the delivery of patient flow technology, has received approval for their submission to the UK National Health Service (NHS) Information Governance (IG) Statement of Compliance (SoC) for fiscal 2010 / 2011. This Statement of Compliance is a key requirement for Strata Health to market its solutions in the UK and aligns to the organization’s active journey to ISO 27001 certification in fiscal 2011 /2012. Submission to the NHS IG SoC is an annual activity and Strata Health is committed to continual improvement and progression from an information governance and security perspective.
“Achieving compliance was not an isolated project for Strata Health, as the NHS IG SoC submission required a company-wide effort due to its all encompassing scope. Fortunately, we were able to leverage the existing work completed for Strata Health’s ISO 27001 initiative which made successful submission a reality.” remarked Adrian Bryksa, Director – Strategic Initiatives at Strata Health.
“Our IG SOC approval documents that Strata Health has the appropriate policies and procedures in place to provide the required security for patient data. Our health care customers can be confident in their knowledge that Strata Health is very capable and competent in ensuring all patient data is protected.” commented Clint Schick, Managing Director, Strata Health (UK) Ltd.
For more information:
Contact Clint Schick at +44 (0) 1322 30 30 36 or clint@stratahealth.com
About Strata Health:
Strata Health leverages technology to achieve dramatic patient flow improvement within health systems. Our clients say they’ve entrusted us with the job of creating patient flow solutions that achieve real and dramatic benefits for patients, their families and the world’s devoted front line caregivers. Operational in Canada and the UK, Strata Health is a privately-held Canadian corporation. It is comprised of professionals with empathy for those who need care and intense respect for those who devote themselves to caring for others.
Strata PathWays™ is an online, real-time waitlist optimization system practically improving the patient experience and system access. Connected to care providers in the community, it provides front line clinicians with real-time tools to flow appropriate discharging patients to available bed and program openings. The e-Referral system radically reduces the time that patients occupy acute care beds after they have been assessed for discharge into alternative community programs – now including Mental Health & Addictions, Rehabilitation/Sub-Acute, Home Care, Continuing Care Centers, Assisted Living, Palliative, Physiotherapy, Community Support and Adult Day Programs.