One Software Solution to Manage Transitions of Care

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Problems We Solve

  • The Problem: Wait Times

Health care wait times have reached an all time high in Canada. While patients wait, many occupy valuable hospital beds, limiting access to acute care, or are left vulnerable waiting at home or in the community.

  • The Solution: Waitlist and Vacancy Management

By streamlining the referral process and implementing an automated central intake, Strata Health can help you optimize scarce resources, reduce errors, and minimize delays for better patient care.

  • The Problem: Care Coordination

In the face of complex referral processes and limited service visibility, clinicians face challenges in identifying appropriate referral destinations, which can lead to errors and delays.

  • The Solution: Access & Navigation

By providing a user-friendly interface, real-time data on available services, and intelligent decision support tools, Strata Health’s platform gives care coordinators the tools they need to orchestrate efficient referrals to the most suitable destinations for optimal patient care.

Contact us

Peter Smith

President & CEO
Connect with Pete on LinkedIn

Kevin Jones

Senior Vice President – Canada
Connect with Kevin on LinkedIn

Vaughan van der Merwe

Vice President Technology
Connect with Vaughan on LinkedIn

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How To Get Started